Welcome to the website built by Bert McNamee a member of the Family of St. Joseph. This group of lay individuals shares a common charism and spirituality with the Oblates of St. Joseph and their founder, Saint Joseph Marello. The Family of Saint Joseph, AKA Josephite-Marellian Laity Society, meets regularly at Saint Joseph's Seminary in Pittston, PA.
I am
certified in Adult Formation Leadership by the University of Dayton, Dayton, OH, and the Diocese of Scranton, Scranton, PA. My aim in this lay ministry program is to provide catechesis for Adult Faith Formation.
The Vatican - The Holy See , Diocese of Scranton , United States Conference of Catholic Bishops , Catechism of the Catholic Church , United States Catholic Catechism for Adults , and the National Directory for Catechesis can be reached via these text links or by selecting the emblem at the top of this document.
Sacred Scripture can be read via this on line version (USCCB website) of the New American Bible (Revised Edition) which has a Table of Contents listing easy to use links directly to book, chapter and verse. Also avalilable on this site is the official Liturgical Calendar for the United States (document in PDF format). The Vatican website New American Bible is also available. |
You can read Sacred Scripture via this on line version of the Douay-Rheims Bible, which has a Table of Contents listing easy to use links directly to book, chapter and verse. This English translation of the Latin Vulgate Bible precedes the New American Bible and is the preference of many traditional scholars. The Latin Vulgate Bible is the "official" Bible of the Catholic Church. The Douay-Rheims Bible is the classic, time-honored and only faithful English translation of the Latin Vulgate. |
There are numerous Roman Catholic Devotions and Prayers available by selecting the or the buttons. You can view my personal thoughts using the button in the controls above.
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